Monday, 4 April 2011

X is for.....

X ray vision

If there is only one bit of advice you remember out of this whole a to z business start up guide, it should be this..... Make sure you see through everything!

Honestly it is so important to assess every offer, every piece of work that comes your way with clarity.  In the last few months of having this business, I have had some amazing offers. Take for example the local newspaper charity events.  I had been given the opportunity to make favours for two events they were holding with a potential audience of 800.  Yes, that's right 800 people would have my little business thrust under their noses in the form of chocolate.  Sounds too good to be true huh? It was!  Yes there would be 800 people attend the two events, but I would not get paid for the beautiful little creations I made. I would have to take the payment for the favours in the form of advertising. Now do you know any small business that spends over £1,000 in advertising over two months? Heck, scrap that.... Do you know any small business that has  £1,000 advertising budget for a year? Nope, I didn't think so!

You see, just because you are new and you need business, you only need business that is profitable to you. If it doesn't add up them delve a little further into the offer and find out all the minor details.  This way you'll save yourself costly mistakes. I spent about 6 hours sourcing products for their events which could have  been better spent working on advertising the business myself.

So check and double check exactly what it is you customers or clients want from you before you agree to do anything, otherwise the cost may be greater to your business that the order is worth.

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