I am writing this blog today with one eye open and the other starting to close. I have more than one income stream, I blog, test products, write for others, freelance and have my own gift company . I have lots of strings my bow and that's just how I like it. You see my mentor Mr Welsh Busy Bee has said from the first day we met that what has kept him in business throughout the downturn is that he has many parts to his business. There is however one down side to having multiple strands to your business, you run out of energy!
Even a small business needs some of your time, and as I guess you already know, there is always something else vying for your time and attention. It may sounds really basic but if you are going to be your own boss, make sure you eat a balanced diet and get a good nights rest. This weekend, I have failed to do both really and today I am suffering for that fact.
You may be wondering why I am talking about health on a business blog, but think about it, if you are your own boss and you get sick or run down who is going to run your little business? Probably no-one!
For me having energy is vital to my ability to carry out my day to day work. I have a progressive condition that affects my muscles and nerve endings and causes fatigue without given warning. (If you want to understand a little bit about it and have the time read THE SPOON THEORY) Now even though I have a full time carer, should i get sick or run down, he cannot look after my business and look after me. This is why I make sure to pace myself, and share out my workload every week. One business appointment a day is more than enough for me.
Know your limit! Don't burn yourself out, otherwise your hard work will be for nothing. It's better to do a little bit every day to get your business on it's little legs rather than work hard and wear yourself out. Give it a try this week, pace your work out. Start by writing a list of what needs to get done, and mark in a diary the time you have to commit to it. Just a quick note; don't forget to leave time for fun, friends and family. One hour of time with them can give you all the energy you need!
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