I heard a great phrase today "good idea+hard work = money" Not bad huh?
The thing about hard work is that you may feel like you are doing so much, but unless what you do has a structure and a plan, it's just hard work. So I am always looking to set goals. I set goals in my personal and business life. My goals this year are to get back to the weight I was before having my children, to make my new business venture a success, with return business every month and to gain back control of my physical self, which in the last ten years has been very much under the control of a muscular and neurological condition that I was born with. If you want to chart my progress then follow chocolate carbs and cmt .
So then on to setting business goals.
The first thing I would say is imagine where you want to be in 10 years from now, 5 years from now and 1 year from now. All of those are your big goals. so first of all write those down.
Mine would read like this:
10 years from now: multiple businesses all turning over £250,000 each minimum
5 years from now: living in a home I own that is suitable for my families knees
1 year from now: to be known as the company for tailored made gifts and confectionery in south wales
So lets just look at the goal for year one. In order to achieve my goal, I am going to have to set myself monthly targets to reach. Now I have sat down and looked at all the areas of my business and who the buyers for those products would be. I have then looked at seasonal things such as summertime=tourism increases, Feb=Valentine's day, Christmas=businesses giving gifts. I have then taken all of this into account and written a plan for who to contact, when to contact them and what services to offer them.
You need to think along the same lines. What are you wanting to do, and how are you going to get there?
So start with your first year goal and if you have any questions why not leave a comment and I promise to answer you. Good luck!
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