Friday, 4 February 2011

N is for........


Networking is simply defined as 
an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information, or the like.

Now many people don't like networking and in the way of professional networking, I don't like it either!  My experience of business networks are a bunch of people wanting to see you their product or service, without giving a space of breath to the product or service you may have.  I want you to think of it this way..... networking is simply telling anyone and everyone about your business.  Now I am going to get you a challenge this weekend, tell 5 people about your business idea, or the business you already have. You'll be surprised how easy it really is.  Listen carefully to conversations and see if there is ever an opportunity to mention what you do. When meeting someone new, always ask what they do, as they will return the same question as you begin to break the ice.

So let me know how many people you managed to tell about your business. I'll send a prize for the person with the most people told about their business. Have fun and post a comment.

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