Thursday, 17 February 2011

Q is for.....


There are two parts of this post today...

1) Asking questions and 2) taking questions

Lets deal with asking questions first.

When starting a business or simply turning a great idea into something that makes money, I would advise you to ask lots of questions.  For years I was afraid to ask questions, because I felt that asking questions showed me to be the inexperienced person that I obviously was.

The thing about asking questions, is that you need to make sure you ask the right people questions.  Think about this, if you are at an event with people who are already in business and have done what you want to do, then you have nothing to lose.  They aren't going to worry if you are inexperienced in business. 

On the other hand if you have a room full of people who are wanting to know more about you, don't just blurt out that you are a complete novice at business, simply share your idea and then open up the floor for feedback/ reviews rather than leave yourself completely vulnerable.

With regards to taking questions about your idea, you need to be able to tell people easily and simply about it.  You need to practice how to explain it in a short space of time.

If you follow this scenario then you will have the tools you need to answer questions about your idea.

 I like to use the example of staying at a hotel

Scenario Number 1: You are in a lift and someone says hi and asks what you do (not that likely to happen that way but just roll with it) You then have until they get to their floor to share your idea. 

I want you to think about writing your idea down in one sentence. Narrow down what you do into one sentence. So mine is: I run a confectionery and gift company.

Scenario Number 2: You then meet the same person at the bar in the evening and they ask you to explain more about what you do.

Think now about writing a few sentences. I would say: I make personalised wrappers for confectionery, gift baskets for special occasions. We also make favours and candy buffets for weddings and events.

Scenario Number 3: The person you have met at in the lift and later at the bar asks you to attend an event where you have 5 minutes to share about your business.

Now you think about how to lay out the structure of presenting your idea to a room of people.
I have laid out headings for your presentation:

A little about yourself
What is your idea
How did you come up with your idea
Who is your idea for
Break down the exact idea if there is more than one element

In this scenario it is possible to have questions afterwards and then you need to be prepared for anything and everything.  REMEMBER however, that no one knows your business like you do, so just sell it. 

If you have any questions for me then send them my way.

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