Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Paypod; a new concept!

As I'm sure you are aware, within a few months cheques will no longer be guaranteed by cards. This means that many small businesses, sole traders and mobile traders are in a more vulnerable financial position either accepting non guaranteed cheques or having to surrendor to the huge bank costs of accepting card payments. In light of the current climate this is going to be an issue for businesses moving forward.

Paypod has been created and set up by a team of mobile payment experts led by Andrew Campbell - ex vice-president of Mastercard Mobile Payments Inc. The product is a mobile card payment device - small enough to fit into a pocket and safe enough for businesses, sole traders etc to take secure card payments. The key here is that it bypasses the huge contract driven payment devices offered by banks. PayPod users operate on a Pay&Go system. This offers businesses a more affordable and secure way of taking payment. It also allows the end user more convenience.

I'm looking for one or two readers to trial the product. Interested? then get in touch!

For more information you  can visit the following links



  1. Hi
    My disabled son and I run a small craft business in the UK, marketing through craft fayres most weekends.
    Paypod looks as though it could be very useful and add to our sales.

  2. I was also very interested in this system, but when I checked their FB page for an update, and tried to see their website, it appears they have disappeared without trace.
